
Hong Kong

After our quick stop in "not so friendly"-America, it was time for Hong Kong!
First impression of the country? Well, I would say an article in China Daily. It was an editorial about the new European tax about C02 emission abd how bad it is for the Chinese air company. I don't know much about the law, but what I could see in this article is how unpartial they were, the non signature at the end and the final words: "we must fight against it". "We"? really? It's not a joke? Anyway, welcome to China.
Stopping in Beijing, it was impossible to get to Facebook for the censurship and I was more than pleased to arrive in Hong Kong to see stuff like that:
Tiny streets
Big buildings

You got pushed around a lot as people have a sickening need to be first. Therefore everybody is kinda running on their little legs, even for prayer!

You had to be fast for this picture as it lasted less than a second
My friend Albert that I met in Argentina explained it wasn't really a religion but more of a tradition. And they loooooove to burn stuff in this tradition: Encent, papers with words in it, etc. There is even this guy, specialize in burning stuff, outside of the temple, getting the stuff to burn from the people and put it in his bug fire!

The shocking fact about Hong Kong after being in the States is, you think Americans love malls, but Hong Kong IS a mall. The Chinese come here to buy shits and really, the consumerism is incredible here!

That was my one week in Hong Kong, meeting nice people and going over budget (even though I didn't go clubbing, costing 50 euros just to enter :/)

I'm now in India, and things are all very different here!

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