
La Lucha Libre

(Please, be aware that some part of this post could hurt your sensitivity -Outch, my sensitivity!)
I finally went to the very famous Lucha Libre. Most of the Mexicans I know here never went to one and I was kind of surprise of that. But then I remember I never went to see a football match of my city (Angers) neither (gasp).
Thanks to Couchsurfing (again), an event was organized and from a bars called "Red Pub", we were supposed to be magically transport over there. There is many bars that looks English around here but this one have something particular: you can be drinking in one of the legendary red bus of London. As you are thinking "it's amazing, it's even better than drinking the blood of a goat",wait for it: you can also be transported to la Lucha AND drink (which is, you have to admit, pretty awsome, WAY better than the blood of goat, even if you are thirsty). A burger and some beers later, the bus was full and eveybody was singing some improper songs. Our group was composed of many different nationalities (the nice thing about couchsurfing, really) from the beer drinker of spain (and it's a "she"), to the timid German who looks like Shaggy (but where is scoobydoo?!) without mentioning the argentian who could have as well steal the main role in Black Swan.

This (very) happy group was then in the (doom doom doom doom) ARENA COLISEO! What an epic name no? The Arena itself wasn't so big (30 square meters more or less) and the stadium was filling in little by little with happy people ready to shout insanities.

Basically, La Lucha Libre, is the American catch you can see on tv sometimes (or if you are really bored, I guess you can check those links out: here or there). In la lucha, the fighters have more fat and they hid themselve with a mask, but otherwise, it's pretty much the same.
I understood during the "fight" how particular was this show as you could combine the primal essence that animate football fan to get pationated about sport, and screaming over someone with the drama of the never ending tv show "The Fire Of Love". You have bad guys who are really bad (here, it was a japanese), and you have good guys who are really good. I wasn't understanding all of the fluffy chat during the battle
(ho, yeah I didn't tell you? Fighters can request the micro cos' inside of them they only wanted to be an opera singer, really) but I'm pretty sure the talks were something like this:

-Guay (man, in spanish in the text), why did you steal my cat the other day?
-I didn't steal it, guay! *nodding to the crowd he actually did, like in some retarded puppet show*
-ho guay! You put it on fire, how could you do that to Poquito?! *the crowd is now booing*
-Ho yeah I did it and I took extreme pleasure in doing some bad action not because I'm sick in my head, but because, you know, I'm the bad guy. Shitty job, really, I wanted to date this hot chick the other day, but you was blonde, you know. She can't date bad guys, SHE WAS BLONDE!
This goes on until it's pretty clear the good guys has NOW all the good reason to kick his ass (before he was only playing with him because he doesn't really care about being champion of La Lucha).
Followed by some pretty dirty tricks from the bad guy (it's normal, he is the bad guy, he can sneak-attack people, break the rules and so on), to which the crowd was outraged by. Then the good guy start doing dirty trick (but that's ok, you know, remember Poquito! And it's against a bad guy so it's fine and the crowd is happy).

Who wants a hug?

Sometimes you also have a bit of Saint Seya with the good guy almost "dead" and the bad guy being to full of himself, would do a mistake and the good guy, coming from the grave, would win the game: tindin!

Maybe the best part was in the public which sometimes stole the show. The bleachers are well separated from the down part, the most expensive, from the up part, the cheapest. And when I say well separated, I thinking fences. I suppose the atmosphere really can be explosive but this night was all fun and nice. Let's see some examples of what people were shouting at each other (with rhymes please)

Rich against Poor
    se les va el camion
    pobres, pobres chinguen a su madre (poor, poor, go f*ck your mother)
Poor against Rich
    Su puta madre (your mother the whore)
    Putos los de abajo (Assholes of downstairs)
For everybody to enjoy as the crowd just turn against themself for time to time:
    Guera coqueta enseñanos las tetas (Hey blondie, show us your tits!)
    Guero guerito a ti te gusta el pito (Blondie, you like cock)
    El que no brinque es puto
pobres, pobres chinguen a su madre!
The night out was all fun except for some minor problems like the beer at 50 pesos the half-liter (yes, it is expensive for Mexican standards) and some guy in the street with a broom.
Everybody should travel with there favorite weapon AT ALL TIME without being judge don't your think?

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